Ahh yes the new ipod touch commercial song that has everyone nodding their head and scratching them at the same time, wondering just who sings it.

Well it is a group called css, or cansei de ser sex, ahhh yes that's why the abbreviation lol. They are an independent group and the song is called music is my hot hot sex. I guess apple didn't want you to know that for their ipod touch commercial song ratings might be damaged lol. Well they are all exposed here apple. So if this post on the ipod touch commercial song isn't here the next you'll know why!
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Sunday, November 11, 2007

ipod touch commercial song

The lyrics for the ipod commercial song start of with music is my boyfriend. The ipod song is just so catch that you find yourself singing along with it after the 2nd time you hear it. I must say great job by the apple ipod ad team. Once again the ipod touch commercial will be a hit with this song by css or if you want, cansei de ser lol. However you prefer my good friends.

The new ipod touch commercial song is doing the same thing all the other ipod commercials have done, greated a buzz and have stuck in your head. You remember the commercial for the iphone, the guitar melody. I bet every time you seen an iphone that stupid catchy guitar was in your head lol, . Well get ready for the new ipod touch commercial song to be programmed into your brain too lol.

Dont you just love ipods! Lol where would the world be without an ipod? I say ipod for president, help join me!

You can watch the video for the new ipod touch commercial song on www.youtube.com just look up ipod commercial song or music is my boyfriend. You'll enjoy the whole song, hey load it on your ipod! lol.

Until next time, let music be your boyfriend, or your girlfriend, or your ipod!


Jeff said...

So many people have been looking for the wrong song.

I created a page for "Music Is My Hot Hot Sex" with a MP3, video, and lyrics. It can be found here.


Anonymous said...

iPod Touch Video at ipod inside blog